
The Emotional entrepreneur

The journey to becoming an emotional entrepreneur starts with accepting responsibility for yourself and your role in society. It is essential that you decide to believe in the value of who you are and what you have to offer. Once you make this decision the emotional centres of your brain release an emotional energy that motivates you to give as if what you are doing is the most important thing in the world.

The world needs people like this- individuals who can articulate a shared idea of why they exist. Who they are and where they are going. There remains a continual need for the world that needs self reliant, self actualize and independent people at its core. Men and women with solid levels of self reliance and self belief are emotional independent, with means they can formulate and clarify vision and values and leverage the talent of others to achieve their full potential.

The Emotional Entrepreneurs are people that spend their times in helping others and making this world a better place. They exercise emotional management rather than micro- management. In a fast paced and pressured working world, people call out for individuals who are independent and can stand above the chaos and provide a coherent story their entrepreneurial lives.

A typical entrepreneur gets into entrepreneurship because he wants to start a Business or Venture. In the last couples of years I have seen the rise of certain type of entrepreneur. They are not looking to be wealthy, their egos are at level zero, and they are just interested in helping others to develop by transferring their skills.

They strive to contribute, collaborates, share, and learn. I found them supportive, giving and really open to new ideas. They are not imposing their ideas anymore, they are sociable and friendly. They use the social media platforms to make themselves heard. Emotional Entrepreneurs are invariably those who have developed the ability to respond constructively to crises and challenges for the benefits of the inexperienced.

Who they really are is forged by their actions. Watch out, they are rising!

Happy reading!

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